Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Real Softball Players Wear Mini-Skirts

The past few summers, The Dance Company has sponsored a City League Softball Team. Here are some shots of Jalyn, and the rest of the team at our end-of-year Pizza Party last summer.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Veterans Day, 2007

This is from our Veterans Day performance, 2007. This is at the Methodist Church. The past few years a group of people have put on a 'USO Show' for Veterans, and we have been the dancing entertainment! There is also skits and singing.

Basketball in 2005

I'm almost done cleaning out pictures from my computer! This one is from a Tiger Basketball Game in 2005. The ballet classes danced to 'In My Daughters Eyes'.

Competition 2004

Here's another competition photo, from May of 2004. They got an extra award that day for being the cutest cowgirls! I think these girls were 2nd, 3rd & 4th graders here.

Competition 2007

I always liked this picture at Competition in May of 2007. We were backstage, getting ready to go out for awards.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Halloween 2007

The 5th Grade jazz class was dressed up for class on Halloween, 2007.

Concordia Studio...3rd times a charm??

Here it is...Concordia Studio # 3. They say the 3rd time's a charm, I hope this is our home for awhile! We have moved into the old Hallmark building on 6th street. The location is great, and it seems we have found our 'place'!

I just love these pictures of the girls posing in the windows! These were taken at Summer Camp, they were trying to be manequins when people would walk by on the street! I don't think they fooled anyone!

Concordia Summer Camp, 2007

Here are some fun photos from Summer Camp! We learned several dances that week, including a ballet dance, pom, jazz, hip hop and kick, plus Cheerleading and choreography. Remember that ugly blue carpet??

Concordia Studio...#2

Here are some photos from our Concordia Studio, above The Camera and Eye. We were here from August of '06 to April of '07. I always wondered if our 'shadow dancer' was dancing at night with the mysterious ghost who was rumored to live in the building! I never caught a glimpse, but did hear lots of stories!

Wonder if this is still on the wall upstairs??

We had a 'fun day' on the last day of class, with roller skating, games and snacks. It was a fun atmoshpere, but I don't miss the winding staircase or propane heaters, how 'bout you?

Veterans Day, 2006

Heres the group that danced on Veterans Day, 2006 at the USO Show. This was taken at the Methodist Church in Clay Center.

Piotique, 2006

Here's some fun shots from Piotique 2006.

Nice hair girls.

The float is always fun!

Remember When?

Remember when our Concordia Dance Studio was behind Curves? Here's some snapshots: Look how much they've changed!

After Harvest Festival 2007

Here we are before performing at the After Harvest Festival in Clay Center, in July of 2007! It was a small group but they did a great job!

That's My Story

In 2006 we performed 'That's My Story' at a Tiger Basketball Game. Here's some snapshots.


I decided to change the 'photo album' page of the website by using a blog format. I hope this will showcase our photos a little better! I will post any dance photos from performance, class or birthdays - just send them to me! Enjoy...check often...and have a great day! -Jolie