Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with your families, and a safe and Happy New Year!

My cousin's baby 'Tatum' in her fancy Christmas Dress!


Monday, December 17, 2007

My Favorite Nutcracker Moments

There were so many memorable moments, and looking at the photos is so much fun! Here are several of my favorites!
I was so impressed with this class. They worked hard, and learned this Christmas Eve scene very quickly! I was pleased with the amount of energy they had on stage! When I watched the DVD I couldn't believe how excited they were! They really pulled it off and I'm so proud of them!

I love it when they rock their dolls! And here's Kahlie...being ornery!

Where did everyone go? The pre-schoolers did remarkably well, for their on-stage debut! They weren't really sure what to do and when...but it didn't matter - they were just so cute!

What a beautiful picture! Katie was leaping for joy! And below, the girls knew just what to do on the 'bum'!

Roylynn always finds time to give the camera a big smile!

These dresses were so cute! The Christmas Trees really rocked! :)

I like this one of Allison saying 'shhh!' These girls were so cute - Diana Shaner made the dresses and bloomers...she always does a great job!

The sparkly hoops is another favorite if mine. I liked this picture with the tree in the background - and Allissa's great smile!

These mice really give me a hard time...but they're one of my favorite groups! They pulled of the mice dance perfectly, and have improved so much since last year!

Of course, the Skaters was a favorite of mine! In September, when I pulled out the box of skates...I think they all thought I was crazy! But I kept telling them - don't worry, before long you'll be a pro! And they did a great job! No spills or falls of the stage...and no one knocked over the Christmas Tree! Yes, these are the things that keep me awake at night!

I loved these flower costumes...and they remembered their routine so well!

What's so funny, Michaela???

The Jingle Bell Rock group really lit up the stage!

I always liked to watch Kaelyn's enthusiasm!

This photo of the Sing & Dance Class was kinda fuzzy on Jamie's upload. It was forwarded to me by Janelle, I think it's a good shot of the singers!

Katlynn and Katie...what beautiful ballerinas! I guess they really are listening in class.....

The Doll Dance was one of my favorites...

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Ice Storm

If I thought my trees needed trimmed after that Ryder truck...they definately need trimmed now! Here's more pictures of my poor trees, beat up by the ice storm. I am sure enjoying the break at home, though! I think we all needed a few days to relax!

Here's a few more...

Monday, December 10, 2007

The Nutcracker, 2007

Despite the icy roads, we had a great crowd at the Brown Grand for The Nutcracker, 2007! I was so pleased and proud of each and every dancer...the show was just fantastic! Chandler Lamm (Clara) did a great job remembering her part, considering we didn't practice the 'extra scenes' until the week before! I also have to commend Briana Brewer for her patience with the Angels! I don't think she knew what she was getting into when I asked her to fill in as the Sugar Plum Fairy! I was impressed with every group, there isn't a single thing I would have changed!

I also want to Thank the parents who helped with tickets before the show, costume changes backstage, and especially those who acted in the party scene! Mike Lamm, Janelle Donovan, Ashlea Marsh, Miki Voelker, Allison Huff - Thank you! Amanda and Holly from the Brown Grand were also very helpful backstage with the balloons, curtain and music.

My sister took LOTS of photos during the Dress Rehearsal on Saturday and will be posting them soon. You will be able to view and purchase prints through Kodak. Thanks, Jamie for taking time out of your busy schedule to help with that!

Thanks also to Kathy Poore and Christy Leiszler for helping with decorations last week!

Again, I'm very proud of everyone, Thanks for helping make the show a great success!


Monday, December 3, 2007


Our Little Caesars Delivery Man had a little trouble in my driveway last week! Good thing this branch needed trimming anyway!

He thought he could clear a low-hanging branch in my front yard, but as you can see, he was mistaken! Yes, the branch is lodged clear through the side of the trailer! Here's an 'after' picture of the hole!

Thanks to everyone who helped sort Pizza and Cookie Dough that day, and also in Concordia! It certainly makes the job go faster with helping hands!

Official Mascot

It's Sammi Jo - the official Dance Company Mascot!
Sammi is turning one year old in December - and was enjoying her new sweater last weekend! Ballerina Dress photos to follow..... :) If she keeps practicing, she'll have her solo ready for Recital!

Ooops, all that dancing wore her out! Time for a nap!