Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I hope everyone can take some time off this week and enjoy the sunny weather! We don't have any big plans, no fun trips - but I am taking advantage of being at home for a change! Spring cleaning...yardwork...and a good book in my porch swing. That's my big Spring Break plans! Whatever yours are, I hope you enjoy it!

I'm not a big internet surfer, when I'm on my computer I'm usually working. But I do check a few blogs on a regular basis, and my sister has some awesome photos on her blog right now. She's has done several photo sessions with families and babies - they are just darling. Check it out at www.claycenterblooms.blogspot.com

Also wanted to Thank You for your thoughts and prayers this week during my Mom's surgery in Wichita. She is getting along good, after a few days of being loopy from pain medicine! I spent the day with her on Monday and she really perked up. I'm sure my Dad is getting claustrophobic from spending his days and nights in a tiny hospital room! He's ready to come home, and Mom will be soon. I had to cancel class last Friday and appreciate everyone's understanding. Keep praying for her, it will be a while before she's back to her old self!

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