Monday, December 8, 2008

Proud to be a Dance Teacher!

I was so proud of our Dance Students last week at The Nutcracker! They did a wonderful job and worked very hard to pull off a successful show! Despite some backstage disasters...the show went off without a hitch!

I haven't seen Jamie's pictures yet, she's still working on editing them...but they'll be posted on her website soon - In the meantime, here are some backstage photos we took.

I encouraged the 'big kids' to play with the 'little kids' and keep them busy during the show! Sometimes the waiting backstage can be a little too exciting! Here's a rousing game of Ring Around the Rosies, and shown above a Dancing Doll reads a Christmas Story to an Angel! Beautiful!

I am so proud of them...when I have doubts about doing the show, when life seems so busy and I'm not sure I want to dive into such an enormous project...I just remember that 'Cloud 9' feeling I get seeing the kids in costume, the smiles on their faces, the excitement in their eyes, and the tears in my eyes watching those angels squeal with excitement when the balloons come down! It's so worth it!! So Thank You to those who participated, those who helped backstage or on stage, and those who came to watch - Thanks for making it a special night!

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