Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Backstage in Clay Center

We made it thru another awesome Dance Recital in Clay Center! The best one yet, I would say!! I am so proud of all the kids - they really did their best and had fun doing it! I am not good about remembering to snap those Kodak moments backstage...but here are a few pictures!

This is a side-ways view of our Dance Company Logo cookies - it was part of my gift on Sunday - Thank You! They were delicious by the way!! And Thank You SOOOOO very much for the Pink Ipod!! I have never had one, but borrow Phil's once in awhile. (his isn't pink.) So I'm going to have fun adding music - and it will be much more convenient when taking music to the studio. What a GREAT idea! Thank you!!!!!

Here's Jalyn dressed up and ready to go on Saturday morning for rehearsal.

Nice crocks, Ballerina Girl.

We had lots of help backstage this year - Thanks to all of you! Our TV wouldn't work to watch the show from backstage, so they colored...played ring around the rosie - what fun!

It was a great Recital and I've had lots of compliments - the kids really shined!! Thank You!!
In other news..... Jace graduated from DARE on Tuesday:

Jalyn found lots of baby snakes in my rock garden...right by our bedroom window...:(

and Sammi Jo jumped into the bathtub with Jalyn last night. This is her 'disturbed' face:

We're gearing up for Round II -- Recital in Concordia this weekend! It's at the Brown Grand Theatre on Saturday evening, the 25th, at 7pm. I'll post some more pictures tomorrow - Hope to see you there!!

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